Limestone Beach stones Limestone Jakob2019-08-06T00:42:34+02:00 Limestone is made up of shells from animals. The individual lime shells can be so [..]
Flint Beach stones Flint Jakob2019-08-06T00:42:01+02:00 Flintstone is also called firestone. It is a hard stone that mainly consists of quartz [..]
Porphyry Beach stones Porphyry Jakob2019-08-06T00:41:30+02:00 Porphyry consists of solidified lava and originates from volcanoes in Norway and the Baltic region. [..]
Sandstone Beach stones Sandstone Jakob2019-08-06T00:40:25+02:00 Sandstone is originally deposited sand which has subsequently been compressed and hardened with a binder [..]
Basalt Beach stones Basalt Jakob2019-08-06T00:39:32+02:00 Basalt is a rock formed by solidified lava. The stone is rounded and dark in [..]