Moon Jellyfish and Lions Mane Jelly have existed in the oceans for over 600 million years. In Denmark, you see both species, where it is primarily the color that distinguishes them in appearance. The ordinary jellyfish is almost crystal clear, where Moon Jellyfish is clearly blue and the Lions Mane Jellyfish is clearly reddish-brown. There is also a variant of the blue jellyfish called The Lung Jellyfish, it is a little more vaulted in its shape, but otherwise also plate-shaped as the other jellyfish. The 4 rings seen in the middle are the genitalia of the jellyfish. The Lions Mane Jellyfish lives on small crustaceans, other jellyfish, fish fry and medium-sized fish, where the more peaceful Moon Jellyfish lives on very small organisms such as crustaceans and single-celled animals. The Lions Mane Jellyfish on the underside has a large number of catch wires, which are covered by toxic nettle cells that can paralyze smaller prey. You can get burned, if you come in close contact with a Lions Mane, and the poison from the threads stays pretty heavy, and can in the worst case cause muscle cramps and respiratory problems. Even the dead Lions Mane on the beach can have active nettle cells, so you have to keep your fingers off it.

Did you know that:

The Jellyfish has four stomachs and uses the same opening when the food is both in and out. On the underside of the jumper, there are small femoral hairs that keep the food in the mouth and on to the four stomachs. Here the route ends, so the jellyfish must close the “delights” back out of their mouths when they are digested.